The manufacture of metal products from metal and sand processing is built before painting

In the manufacture of hull products, it is mainly used black metal and stainless steel. The production of corps structures made of metal is today considered the most popular and belongs to the priority of all directions, which are associated with the manufacture of metal buildings and structures used in the installation of various floor and hinged cabinets. This applies to forged railing and gate, as well as football gates and other hull products, including exhibition stands and racks. Therefore, the manufacture of metal products for each design has a certain technological process and additional processing of metal surfaces. The production of metal products, which belongs to corps structures, is very often associated with jet processing of metal.

This will allow sandblasting with metal surfaces and, in addition to high -quality preparation of the metal surface, ensure special cleaning and decoration of the entire surface, including hardening of shot -to -stroke technology. When ordering the manufacture of metal products in the company TPP Vesta LLC, you can apply for not only milling and turning work, as well as powder painting, but also for metal casting, including the production of press forms for casting.

Here they will be able to ensure high -quality cutting of metal and powder painting, as well as rolling and engraving – all these processes can be needed in the manufacture of hull products where stainless steel or black metal will be used. When preparing a metal surface for painting, an unnecessary layer will be completely removed, and the surface will become perfectly prepared for applying paint or other coating. Inkjet cleaning of metal structures will help to effectively clean the surface of the old paint, rust or other contaminants formed on metal structures.

When cleaning the surface of the metal using this method, you can quickly and efficiently remove the secondary scale, which managed to form on the new steel. With the help of abrasive particles, you can give roughness of the metal surface and form a profile. Paints manufacturers always focus on which it is necessary to prepare the profile for painting – this is guaranteed to ensure high -quality and reliable application of paint or other coating on hull products, whether it be gates, racks, railing or stands.