Facade paints

The facade is a kind of “face” of your home. And the beauty of this “face” depends on the quality of the “makeup” that you applied to it. It is not so difficult to bring the facade of your home to a decent look, especially when using facade paints for final work. But you should know about a number of subtleties when choosing such colors.

The external coating of your house can steadfastly reflect the onslaught of various natural phenomena, among which you can especially emphasize atmospheric precipitation, water vapors, wind, temperature changes, chemical corrosion, ultraviolet radiation. The higher the moisture content of the walls, the more the heat transfer is disturbed, the more profitable the conditions for the growth of the fungus and mold. Their combined exposure causes the early aging of the facade.

For this reason, the choice of facade paints should be based on indicators of various characteristics, such as moisture resistance, perpetability of vapors, resistance to aggressive chemical environments, resistance to fading, safety during fire and explosions, and, of course, the ability to maintain all these properties for many years.

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An important indicator is resistance to pollution. This indicator increases as the density of the texture increases. This indicator is important because the more you wash and clean the facade, the less it will last you. For the indicator of the duration of operation, you can take the number of purges or abrasion cycles. The cleaning itself is allowed only after the expiration of the production properties, about two to three weeks after application. For washing and purges, you need to use soft products and materials, soap solutions, powder solutions, sponges made of soft materials. It is strictly impossible to touch facade paint with abrasive materials, when using those in the coating, hidden and surface damage are formed, which will subsequently contribute to the complete destruction.