Wooden -style kitchen interior

There is nothing better than a kitchen with wooden furniture made of natural strict boards. Once it was a regular atmosphere, now a luxurious design “under the old days”. The technology of artificial aging of the surface, called breasting, allows you to obtain “ancient” furniture in modern production. Modern kitchen in a wooden style is represented by:

Country style;

country style;


environmental style;

“Hunting House”.

Each style solution has its own design elements.

Kitchen in the style of “Country”

If you accidentally have objects made by the master of the red -core of the last century, they need to be beaten. Deliberately rude wood table, the texture of which is tactfully tactfully created from aged, pine, larch, spruce or oak. On the shelves darkened from old age, buckets and cast iron should be located. Aprons and visible parts of the walls are trimmed with stone or plastered. A rocking chair will become an indispensable attribute.

When arranging a kitchen in this style, the windowsill should be ordered from a massive board. Fireplace and curtains made of natural fabrics, linen towels will complement the situation. Study the photo and create your solution!

Country style

The difference between this direction is the abundance of a tree. The walls made of scalded or galinded logs remain in its original form. Amber of the fresh log house harmonizes with the same bright furniture. There are few of it, benches, tables, stools deliberately rudely. It is allowed to perform an apron from ceramic tiles so as not to moisten the surface when working. In such a kitchen to the place, a wide window sill for colors that will clean the air. It is such wooden arrays up to 110 cm width that can be ordered at Baikalles. Wacked napkins and curtains will make the interior of the kitchen in a wooden style finished

Ecological kitchen

A completely special kitchen, where there is a lot of light and the desire to use only natural materials, is not necessarily a tree. Here the hosts do not deny themselves comfort, use stone, modern furniture. The plank floor is in harmony with a massive windowsill, on which flowers, cells with birds are located in abundance. Natural material must be purchased from trusted suppliers. You can advise you to pay attention to the manufacturer from the coast of Baikal.

Kitchen in the style of “retro”

Retro kitchen design in a wooden style is stylized under the old days. But at the same time, objects use forged parts, bronze and furniture made of wood with carvings and painting. But all objects are selected so as to create discreet beauty. The furniture should be light, curtains light.

Hunting house

Purely male refuge. Here the abundance of deliberately gross details of wood. Simple furniture, fireplace or hearth and laid out trophy skins and stuffed animals make the kitchen a little gloomy. Such a kitchen does not require bright backlight. But you can’t do without a wooden windowsill.

No matter how stylistic solution we use, wooden window sills from a company working with the Siberian tree of trees will always be required. You can order a windowsill on the Baykalles website. .