The invention of the fiber -optic cable and the development of its mass production led to an avalanche -like growth of communication channels, which are based on the fiber from optics. The reason for this was the technical properties of this material.
Criteria for choosing a fiber -fiber cable
As when choosing any product, the consumer is guided by the ratio of price and technical parameters. So, when buying a cable from a fiber, a fiber brand, dimensional characteristics, attenuation and light passage parameters are taken into account. In addition to these data, mechanical parameters are also taken into account. Cables are characterized by resistance to stretching, sharp shock influences and other types of deformation. You can choose the necessary products, including a self -supporting optical cable on the website of Olmi Connect.
Description of the parameters of the fiber -optic cable
The fiber cable, unlike copper or aluminum cables, has low resistance or, speaking differently, a small attenuation of the passing signal. In addition, this cable is not affected by electromagnetic interference. The mass production of a fiber cable has led to the fact that the prices of products from it are constantly reduced and the user is constantly reduced, maybe this is what to make sure of this. To do this, you need to compare the prices for fiber and copper cables.
How to buy a fiber -haired cable?
As already noted, on the website of Olmi Connect, the user can choose a fiber-optic cable and accessories for him, namely: anchor, cable channels, cabinets and racks 19 ”. To select a cable, the consumer is guided by data from the specification attached to the project mounted by the cable system. In the event of questions, consultants or store managers will come to the rescue. Questions about the form of payment, terms of shipment of purchased products are decided with consultants.
Olmi Connect offers customers discounts, the size of which is curled from the volume of the purchase of products. The difference between this online store and others is that in its warehouses there is a constant replenishment of cable reserves.