Flexible tiles. Installation

Flexible tiles are made from high -quality SBS of modified bitumen. She is hermetic, silent, elastic and easily tolerates temperature changes, resistant to UV radiation and durable.

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Installation of the frame. Create a continuous crate from moisture -resistant plywood or downs. For ventilation of space, leave a sufficient gap located as high as possible. Install the lining carpet vertically or horizontally. It is used to protect the structure and wooden crate from moisture. Carpets are overlapped (15mm) and glue among themselves. On the cornices, install cornice strips with an overlap of 5 cm, beat with a short step with nails. In the yendov, it is necessary to install a special end carpet, which is selected to the color of the tile. It is tightly laid between the lining carpet (its seams) and is fixed with nails behind the edges, withstanding a 10-centimeter interval. Cades are laid on the overhang, retreating from the edge of 1 cm.

Laying tiles. Remove the protective film from the racers. Lay the first row on the cornice tile so that the hound edge forms a clear line and is located at a short distance from the lower edge of the cornice of the tile. Races are simply attached by roofing nails.