What wallpaper to choose for a room

What room and in what wallpaper it needs? This question is often asked by young spouses who have just entered a new apartment or private house. It would seem that I glued one -color wallpaper on the walls and you can do other repairs and improvement of design. You can not miss the wallpaper in every room. There is only one reason for this – with this coating on the walls, young people will live for decades, if not all their lives. And daily eyes will fall on the walls.

That’s why it is necessary to think about where to buy wallpaper, and which one to choose for the living room, bedrooms, children and bathroom. After all, all premises have their unique energy.

If you follow the UAOBOI/link, then a person will go to a site where he can choose very beautiful wallpaper for any room, be it a living room or, for example, a children’s room. What coating is suitable for the room, given who will live there and be most often located?

Firstly, for the children’s room the best option is wallpaper with delicate colors and children’s drawings. If the child is already an adult, then let him (or herself) choose a color scheme. Universal color combinations will be green and red (for example, a landscape with trees and flowers). You can also buy wallpaper where heavenly and redheads prevail (for example, a drawing in the form of a fox running along the frozen ice of the lake against the background of a winter landscape).

Secondly, the color scheme is not the most important. You should also pay attention to what furniture in the room. If there are many patterned curls or similar jewelry in the style of surrounding objects, then it is better to buy just such. They should have patterns and mosaic.