How not to undermine health in a summer cottage?

The summer season is always customary to start actively. And if earlier all family members participated in the garden work, today the younger generation prefers to rest in the country, and the old guard is actively digging and planting. And quite often does not expect his strength. Hence – health problems. Well, and, of course, instead of the expected rich harvest, what will grow.

Several simple tips will help not only to maintain health, but also to conduct further active work in the garden or garden throughout the country season. Most summer residents prefer to work to joint pain and limbs. As a rule, after such work you can not help but bend, nor to straighten up. And about picking up a shovel or rake, and there can be no question. To avoid such problems, you need to stop working as soon as the first painful sensations appear.

It is necessary to change the pose often during operation, and if you have to lift weights, you need to do it carefully and preferably, together with the assistant. It is always necessary to hold a mobile phone at hand, it will be necessary if you suddenly become bad for you or your neighbor in the country.

Garden inventory to the country should not be transported at once, with one flight, but in stages.

A backpack or bag full of inventory gives a strong load on the spine, arms and legs. If there is no way to transport everything in stages, you need to use a bag with wheels and a handle. The inventory itself for the garden and the garden must be selected correctly, this will not only reduce embezzlement, but also retain the health of the joints and limbs. During the use of inventory, you need to put on protective gloves on your hands.

Do not water watering through a watering can or wear water for watering in a bucket. This process is not only long and exhausting, but also painful. During such watering, legs, arms and back suffer. It is necessary to water the garden from the hose, in our time their great variety, we recommend that you opt for the XHOSE hose, since it is light, durable, does not twist when watering, it will last you for a very long time, and most importantly it is very compact, you can buy it on the Internet -store . All these advantages will help maintain your health and save time significantly.

The workflow must be alternated with a vacation, and more often. Install a sofa or bed with an orthopedic mattress at the dacha. A sofa or bed should have a hard surface. You should rest, lying on your back, this will not only give the spine the opportunity to relax well, but also strengthen posture and bones. Afternoon sleep is welcome, its duration should be at least two and a half hours.