How to apply water -based paint to the ceiling

The most ideal and simple way to color the ceiling is the decoration of water -based paint. There are several features in this work: the right choice of paint, preparation of the surface for finishing and the tools necessary for work. The choice of paint implies acrylic water -based paint.

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This type of paint is made using special technology based on acrylic resin. Such paint is characterized by high strength and elasticity. There are also more affordable options for paints, such as: Venilakril paint, styrecricl and acrylicsilicone. If you need to repair the ceiling in the bathroom, then you need to add latex to water -based paint. Latex will serve as a water -repellent effect.

Before applying the paint to the surface of the ceiling, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface: to align and plastered. If there are not significant flaws, then they can be removed using water -based paint. One of the significant stages in work is the preparation of the paint itself. The final of the work will depend on the prepared consistency of the paint. Specialists found that the ideal version of the consistency is such when it looks like milk. It is also recommended to apply paint after the primer on the surface is dry. This is about five hours after applying the primer. Paint in hard -to -reach places, can be applied with a brush.

For a more effective and quick color, a fur roller is used. Such a roller evenly distributes a layer of paint on the surface as evenly as possible. Initially, along the edges of the ceiling plane, the paint is not applied with wide stripes with a brush. After that, the whole main plane is painted with a roller. And so, several layers are applied with a roller paint, on the ceiling. Each layer must be applied to the surface of the ceiling, perpendicular to the window. The last layer is applied from the window. Important points of this work:

* The choice of paint

* Applying the paint after the primer primer

* The last layer of paint must be applied from the window