Enakievo window

In addition to the implementation of bulk and building materials, the Typhoon company is also engaged in complex insulation of houses and apartments, an integral part of which (along with all kinds of heater, steam and waterproofing) of course are high -quality windows.

I think everyone will agree that just to buy a good window, even the highest quality, is not enough to make your house warmer and more comfortable than before. Therefore, we carry out precisely a set of services. It includes not only a high -quality measurement, manufacture and installation of windows that you liked externally, our employees will help you choose an option with such technical characteristics that will be most suitable for you. Also, if necessary, our masters can insulate and align the slopes, “plant” window sills and flows on the solution, which is also important for your house to be quiet and warm. And of course we give a guarantee for the products that we sell. Throughout the warranty period, our masters make free adjustment of structures.

We offer our customers metal -plastic structures from the Rehau company profile, manufactured at the factory using automated high -tech equipment, at the factory with which we have been cooperating for a long time, and to which we trust. All measurements, installation and other work are performed by qualified employees who have undergone special training and passing annual trainings. After all, time does not stand still, technologies are improving, with their help all new materials are produced with even better qualities than before, and we try to use these technologies to the maximum.

In our office you can get a consultation, see structural samples, and also make a preliminary miscalculation and order a measurement. We are waiting for you at the address:

G. Enakievo St. Stalevarov, d. 2 (1st floor)


Also get a consultation, make a miscalculation or order a measurement by phone.:

+38 095-39-77-476

+38 093-56-89-004

And also writing a letter to our email:

TayFun -okna@yandex.