How to achieve good water supply in a summer cottage and get a normal sewer

We all need good water in the summer cottage, because this applies not only to the process of watering plants, but also just a drinking component.

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And local water pipelines and sewage systems are sometimes completely unsuitable for such a case due to their total neglect and a long absence of repair. However, the way out of such a situation is still real and it is to have your own well with water, which you can drill the specialists of any company who is engaged in such work.

But before you start the very drilling process, you should wait for specialists who will measure your site for the presence of groundwater there, after which all the necessary calculations will be made and the equipment that is best for drilling the well in your site will be made. At the same time, even heavy equipment can be involved in this process, it all depends on how many plantings are on it.

You can also install an autonomous sewer of a country house, which is several types. Moreover, the most expensive of all existing ones is the so -called biological sewage purification, which allows you to get about 95% of purified water suitable for both household needs and for drinking.