How a wooden floor is made

Wooden coating is the most popular type of flooring at all times. This is simultaneously a reliable and simple method. The basis for wooden flooring can be concrete, wood and even just open soil. But, in any case, you need to clearly know and understand all the stages of this process in order to ultimately get a strong and reliable design that will last for many years.

The frame structure of the floor

The flooring of the wooden floor includes several consistent stages. It is important to strictly observe the sequence of these processes in order to eventually get the desired result.

The floor design includes such elements and processes:

Laying is carried out on a prepared strong base, which can be soil or represent metal or reinforced concrete beams;

Next is a layer of gravel, sand, cement, gravel or concrete. This will provide deformation protection and evenly distribute the load.

Lags are installed without fail. These are wooden or concrete transverse crossbars and beams that dig into the soil;

The waterproofing layer will prevent the penetration of moisture from the soil to the surface. What material will be used at the same time, not fundamentally. It can be just a layer of cement or bitumen, as well as asphalt, bulk or film material;

Thermal insulation layer. You can use glass wool, polystyrene foam, mineral or basalt cotton wool and other affordable thermal insulation materials;

And finally, directly the board. It can be a rough coating, which involves the further flooring with the following layers or the final finishing coating.

Of course, in order to result in a strong and stable floor, it is necessary, first of all, to carefully prepare and strengthen the base of the structure.

Lags and their purpose

It was no coincidence that it was said that the installation of the lag is a mandatory and very important stage. As a rule, the lags are made of wood or polymeric materials. The dimensions of this element depend on the dimensions of a particular building. In modern construction, metal, reinforced concrete or plastic lags began to use more and more often. The most simple in the work are plastic. But regardless of the properties of the material, the function of this element is always the same.


surface alignment;

ensuring the presence of ventilated voids;

thermal insulation and, in some cases, sound insulation;

ensuring uniform load distribution.

Professional installation of this element will obtain a coating that will differ in reliability, resistance to adverse mechanical influences, durability and have an attractive aesthetic appearance.

Another point to which you need to pay attention before starting work. The installation of lags should not be done if the room temperature is too low. Increased humidity (more than 60%) is also contraindicated, in which the design will absorb excess moisture, and after drying there will be a deformation. This can lead to undesirable defects or the complete destruction of established elements.

How to strengthen the base of a wooden floor

So that the foundation of the future sex is strong and reliable, you must, first of all, correctly install the lags. It is important to clearly observe the technology and take into account the load that the surface will experience.

The thickness of the layered beam (preferably from coniferous trees) should not be less than 50 millimeters. Installation is performed perpendicular to the light every 300-500 millimeters (taking into account the width of the boards that will lie down on top). It is important to make the necessary measurements before direct installation so that the surface is flat. It should be marking around the perimeter at a certain height and in one horizontal plane. The best laser level is suitable for this process. It’s fast and convenient. Although, in its absence, you can use other effective methods.

So, the installation of the lag begins. You should not rush in this process. It is better to make measurements more thoroughly. So, horizontal and intermediate bars are mounted, which then additionally intensify by rails. And the gap where the door will be located should be additionally strengthened with the help.

After a rectangular lattice frame is installed, it will be necessary to fill out the resulting space with a heat. The necessary waterproofing work is also carried out and, if necessary, the base is once again insulated.

A detailed description of all processes can be found on the site dedicated to construction. This will turn out a reliable and strong base on which you can safely lay a wooden coating and get an impeccable floor as a result.