Poritep gas concrete blocks

Today the construction market is represented by a huge number of products. On the shelves you can find both domestic manufacturers and foreign. However, the abundance of goods does not speak of their quality and compliance with accepted norms and standards. Many companies invest large amounts of money to promote their goods through the media. As a result, the price of the materials rises. Note that the quality products of Poritep do not need to advertise. Such goods are popular among customers and without advertising, which is often bought through their site .

The company of the Central Federal District LLC Eco-Zoloprodukt Ryazan is the leading manufacturer of aerated concrete Poritep. For customers, the company fulfills orders without delay, on time and anyone can purchase high -quality aerated concrete blocks in unlimited quantities at affordable prices by learning their address on the Internet. The price is much lower compared to wood, brick. Ax concrete have many advantages.

Poritep gas concrete is popular with customers thanks to its advantages. Gas blocks are easy to use, durable, steam -resistant, heating and durable. In the manufacture, natural, environmentally friendly raw materials are used, does not contain chemical impurities. Houses erected from PoriteP aerated concrete blocks guarantee health safety. Gas blocks have increased fire resistance. When burning, it does not emit toxic, harmful substances, since they consist of natural components. You can build a wall of gas blocks in a short period of time, three times faster than masonry bricks. Poritero construction blocks are terrible temperature changes, have a high degree of frost resistance. The product is able to absorb sounds, which allows you to save on additional sound insulation.

This material can be used in the construction of cottages, townhouses, country houses, the construction of high -rise buildings, industrial facilities. Due to the high geometric accuracy, the Poriterogly construction blocks and simply lay the minimum sizes of the seams when erecting houses, give a neat, completed view of the building. Are the ideal basis for painting, putty, etc. finishing work. The material is convenient to move because it has a small weight. Poriter is applied to adhesive substance. When cooking, concrete mixer is not required, you can use any capacity. Construction blocks allow you to perform internal finishing work with minimal financial costs and as soon as possible.

Poriper reaches all the declared state standards, SNiP and other strict requirements for building materials. A house made of aerated concrete will give you comfort, comfort, health and beauty.