If you want to buy an electric fireplace

If you decide to decorate your home with a stylish and beautiful fireplace, but at the same time the specialist upset you with the fact that it is impossible to install a real fireplace in your house, you can always purchase an equally stylish electric fireplace and enjoy its work at any time convenient for yourself and your loved ones.

At various models of electric fireplace you can look at the website of the online store My fireplace, you will be amazed at the variety of fireplaces for every taste.

So, if you decide to install an electric fireplace in your house, you first should familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of this device. The electric fireplace most often in the interior of the dwelling plays the role of a purely decorative element, the combustion of the logs in it is simulated using the backlight, the heating effect is created using special tenes or heaters, and the noise of the cod of burning firewood is transmitted through the speakers. Thus, such a fireplace warms almost like the real one, gives the visual effect of vision of the flame, while completely safe compared to real fireplaces and requires much less care. That is why many inhabitants choose stylish electric firewood for their houses. Moreover, for them it is not necessary to store firewood or purchase peat, as is necessary in the case of fireplaces.

Now you need to decide what type of electric fireplace you want to purchase for yourself – floor, wall or built -in. The last option is becoming increasingly popular among customers, because it not only creates an amazing effect of a burning fireplace, but also saves the space of the room where it is placed. At the same time, it is the built -in electric fireplace most often resembles a real fireplace – it drowns the walls in the niche and illusory creates the effect of the naturalness of this device.

Wall electric fireplace is most often used to heat small in size and can play the role of an additional light source in such rooms. You can meet such an electric fireplace in houses not so often. But floor electric firewoods are popular. In the first of all, because it is not necessary for him to prepare any niches and holders in the wall, they are quite mobile, they can be calmly transferred from place to place and even take with you to the country. Most often, such stylishly designed electric fireplace can be found in modern apartments.