Foreigners are actively buying a removable American real estate

Foreign investors prefer to buy apartment buildings and complexes for the purpose of subsequent renting them. According to experts, annual profit from such investments (both in the purchase and construction of objects for rent) can reach 100 percent of investments.

According to Prian, first of all, potential investors pay attention to the stability of the income of this segment. The volatility of financial international markets, the low price of the dollar in relation to some other foreign currencies, the landslide number of processes of housing alienation due to mortgage non -payment or other loans are those factors that can contribute to the exit of the American real estate market from a serious crisis.

The report of the well -known consulting company – Real Capital Analytics states that for the first three quarters of the current year, the volume of foreign capital, which was invested in the purchase of apartment buildings 73 percent higher than the corresponding similar indicator for the entire last year. Moreover, in the segment of apartment buildings, the share of foreigners in investments is 5.8 percent, and in 2010 this figure was not above 3.7 percent.

Many buyers from the Asia-Pacific region and immigrants from the Middle East show a special interest in the acquisition and construction of housing with the aim of subsequent renting. Since 2009, legal entities and individuals who have been registered in other countries, including pension funds, insurance companies, real estate firms, and so on, have invested almost $ 4.2 billion in the American real estate market.

The greatest demand among potential investors today is housing in New York and the US capital, which after purchase can be leased immediately. In September 2011, the standard Manhattan apartment could be rented for approximately 3330 thousand dollars. Since the beginning of the crisis in 2008, rental rates have increased by at least 10 percent. According to official statistics, in the second quarter of this year, the share of homeowners from the United States was 65.9 percent – this is the smallest indicator since 1998. At the same time, the volume of vacant housing proposed for temporary residence is kept at an unusually low level, which has not been previously more than 9 years old.

In the annual report of the Association of American Realtors, it was noted that from March last year to March 2011, the volume of sale of residential real estate in the secondary housing segment has grown to foreigners. Townhai and houses for one family, as well as apartments in housing cooperatives and condominiums were in demand. In this segment, foreign investors accounted for about 7.7 percent of the total sales.

More often than others, immigrants from Canada, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Israel and Great Britain are ready to invest in real estate in the United States. In the total volume of investments from abroad, about 80 percent of the capital comes from representatives of the above-mentioned countries, while more than a third of the volume received falls on Canadians.