How to avoid deception when we hire workers. Continuation

If you have already decided on the company, still do not rush to make the final decision. Carefully study the contract and each of its items, you can even turn to lawyers for help. Having received a preliminary estimate, it is worth considering all expenses in detail. Look if everything is made there, and whether the points are repeated. You can also contact the meter specialists.

You can also check the rates of the main materials, for this call several wholesale points or large companies.

It is worth taking care of the calendar work plan, so you will have the opportunity to control the deadlines. An effective incentive will also be a fine for failure to fulfill the work within the specified period. Achieve the exact formulation of concepts in the contract. In addition, never make a preliminary payment. It is advisable to issue funds at certain stages of work. The brigade should begin to implement each subsequent stage of work only after signing the act of acceptance of the work performed.

In the case when the project was ordered from another company, demand that the developer visit the construction object. To the process of work, more precisely to control over it, it is worth attracting specialists of technical supervision.

The strength of the building largely depends on the foundation. Therefore, when laying the base of the house, special attention is paid to the nature of the soil, the proximity of groundwater, the degree of freezing of the earth. The foundation also depends on what the ground part of the house will be: where there will be communications, how many rooms will be, from which materials the walls will make. In turn, it is on the foundation that it depends on whether the basement will be raw and the basement of the building.

Therefore, the base of the house must be protected by insulating materials. It is very good to lay the foundation in those areas where the degree of freezing of the soil is always less than the depth of groundwater. Rocky soils are considered the most suitable: the foundation can be placed directly on the surface. Less reliable clay, cartilage or sandy soil is. Depending on the type of soil, the foundation is laid to a depth of 50-70 cm. If the soil is clay, then the foundation is lowered to the entire depth of freezing of the soil. There are also the main four types of foundations. In our area, columnar foundations are popular. Ribbon foundations are used to build structures with massive walls. Continuous foundations are one huge reinforced concrete plate under the entire territory of the building. Piles for the foundation are used on fragile soils.