What place on the site to choose for the house

Often people think about building their own home. Sometimes these are just thoughts, sometimes real plans. In some cases, the site has already been acquired. But here the question arises: where it is better to put the house on this site? Professionally carried out geodetic work will help 100% to assure which place is the most suitable. And before the arrival of a specialist, you can inspect the site and draw some conclusions yourself.

The main factors

It is important to pay attention to several main points:

fire norms;

Sanitary norms.

You can read more about these norms on the Internet, but the main thing you need to take care of is immediately – this is to provide safe and at the same time comfortable distances between residential and technical buildings. For example, the distance from the house to the bath should be about 5 meters, to the boundary of the neighboring site – at least 3 meters, and from the road – at least 5 meters. It is important that power lines do not pass over the house. However, this moment must be taken into account even at the time of selection of the site for construction, since magnetic radiation from power transmission lines is quite dangerous for health with constant exposure.

Additional factors

Pay attention to the orientation of the structure to the cardinal points and by the wind rose. If there is a noticeable slope on the site, residential premises need to be placed as high as possible. Thus, among other things, you can slightly reduce the influence of strong cold winds, which is important for lovers of gardening.

If the owner of the future house wants to avoid unnecessary noise from the road, it is worth placing the house in the depths of the courtyard, but you need to remember that the access road to the house will increase, which means the distance that will need to be cleaned during snowfalls or asphalt in order to avoid dirt in Rainy weather. The same applies to various communications. The farther the house is from them, the more difficult and more expensive the connection will be.
